All Criminal Records Are Bad Records!
Criminal charges have a far-reaching impact on an individual's life. Everything from housing, licensing to employment can be affected because of a criminal record. Though the emotional and financial cost of these proceedings may never be compensated for, there is a sure legal outlet for removing the effects of this circumstance.
Many states have laws regarding the expungement of criminal records in light of a period of good behavior. Depending on the state, an individual can have their criminal record sealed and retained so that it cannot be used by potential employers, lenders, and landlords to deny them their much-deserved rights.

What Is Expungement?
Expungement is a process where a person convicted with a past criminal record petitions the court to have their records sealed so that they are unsearchable by federal and state agencies during background checks. Individuals who have had their record expunged would continue with their lives as if the criminal conviction never happened.
Expungement can take various forms, and the relief available depends on the type of conviction, the type of sentence received, the age of the offender, and whether a claim for actual innocence is at all even possible. When properly executed, the procedure can eliminate barriers to gainful employment, professional licenses, and bring closure and emotional relief.
To successfully get a criminal record expunged, it is imperative to consult with an experienced lawyer who has a history of successful expungements. At Scott Lewis Law Firm, we will make sure that the proper steps are followed, including petitioning of the correct judges with accurate and complete paperwork.
Circumstances In Which An Expungement May Be Honored
• Minor violations, such as speeding or jaywalking.
• New DNA evidence pointing to a finding of innocence.
• Overturning of the conviction or acquittal at trial.
• Completion of a "deferred sentence" such as alcohol, anger management, probation, or community service within a specific period.
• Gubernatorial pardon.
Expungement Comes With Many Benefits, Including:
1. Qualify for Better Jobs
Basically, all job applications include this question, “Have you ever committed a felony?" Although it is never indicated, the admittance of a past criminal offense usually results in the automatic denial of employment. However, after the expungement, you have the right to deny any criminal acts or convictions in the past.
2. Protection of Your Reputation
Your reputation is essential to you, and you take pride in maintaining a specific image to the public. Having your criminal record erased or sealed will enable you to proceed to protect and develop your reputation as you try to start a new life.
3. Apply for a State License
Note that your application will work itself through the licensing board much faster if you have your record expunged before you applied for your license than someone who has not taken the time and effort to clean up their criminal past.
Eligibility For Expungement
Various states allow the removal of the records, which are related to a criminal case or arrest from public review. In many jurisdictions, however, the records don't disappear entirely and may be visible to law enforcement agents in the future.
Eligibility for expungement is based on the rules of the jurisdiction. Most of the time, the family members or estate cannot ask for the record clearance; only the accused can do it. Every jurisdiction has its qualifications for expungement.
These can include:
· The number of prior arrests or convictions
· The seriousness of the offense
· Meeting a specified waiting period based on the classification of the crime.
· The states are given complete leeway when it comes to determining the rules of expunction.
Hire A Professional Expungement Lawyer Roseville, MN
Life is hectic enough without having to fight against prejudice that involves inaccurate reports. For personal and professional well being, it is important to have a clean permanent record. This is where experienced expungement lawyers come in. They can help clear up any difficulties in this area fast.
Ideally, the law is not black and white; neither is it cast on a stone. Laws typically give the rules but do not necessarily guide how the rule should be applied in a particular case. Further, there are exceptions to most rules/laws. Knowing if and how an exception applies in your case can be essential and tricky. It may well mean the difference in whether or not you're able to succeed in erasing or hiding your criminal background. This is why you must hire a qualified expungement lawyer Roseville, MN, to help you out.
If your case does not fit the provisions of the law to allow for an expungement, a competent lawyer can find a way to help. He will find a creative argument that gets the intended result.
Don't Wait Any Longer, Contact Us Now!
Don't let your past mistakes affect your whole future. Contact one of our expungement attorneys at Scott Lewis Law Firm, if you have questions regarding your case. We have a team of experienced lawyers in Roseville, MN, who will assist and advise you throughout the expungement process.
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